Who are we and what do we offer?
"Recognize the responsibility that you have when you’re trying to have an impact on people. When you’re trying to change people’s behavior. When you’re trying to give people an opportunity to better themselves."
Our CEO founded the company on the premise that the number one reason salespeople lose, is that they are outsold. As a result, we have developed a selling process with associated programs to prevent this from happening.
- Selling - training participants to effectively sell, independent of price.
- Negotiating - this six-month implementation plan is what separates our program from others.
- Customer Experiences - our workshop helps those who wish to impact their customers’ experiences.
- Sales Coaching - we help your salespeople define strategies to win and to develop effective sales habits to reach their goals.
- Trade Shows - our four-step process will help improve your results at trade shows.
- Presenting - we help your support personnel communicate to others in non-technical terms.
Third party research shows that 20% of a salesforce are high producers, 20% are low producers (and should probably be replaced), and the remaining 60% are average performers. The high performers are driven to achieve and are able to execute the selling process well. Our Solution Selling Process is designed to impact the 60% that are average performers, while reinforcing the skillsets of the high performers.
Most training companies do not have a plan for what happens after a training program has completed. Companies usually have good intentions with regard to implementing the processes and strategies of our programs. However, we know how easy it is to get distracted by the complexities of work and the general challenge of day-to-day business. To ensure our training produces the intended results, we have designed a Management Implementation Process (MIP) that kicks in the morning-after the training, and runs for six months. This process serves to reinforce and measure the results of each participant.
We have spent the last 30 years working with sales teams in the US, Canada, China, Thailand, Europe, and South America and there is a fundamental similarity no matter the country. They all constantly fight against “commoditization and price." That similarity requires all of them to change their sales behavior in executing the selling process in terms of approaching prospects and existing customers.
Albert Einstein said, "if you have one hour to save the world, spend 59 minutes understanding the problem."The same holds true for salespeople. We teach a selling process and that process is focused and structured on really making a salesperson measurably proficient at asking diagnostic questions and steering clear from discussing their products or services until they uncover a problem. Most importantly, our process includes ongoing support to reinforce this needed behavioral change. That's why it is a coaching program and not simply stand-alone training.